Friday, October 10, 2014

Competitive Youth Running in Golden, CO

This is the site of Golden Development, a youth running team in Golden, CO. We will have each member of our team posting occasionally with race reports and more.
In the past few years professional trail running, ultra running, and mountain running have become viable options for runners. To address these new opportunities for runners, we've made a team with the intent of training some of the future trail/mountain/ultra stars, offering them guidance and coaching along with exposure to age-appropriate versions of the races they may choose to compete in later in their running careers. Many runners in the generation coming up (9-15 year olds) will be interested in these previously fringe versions of the sport of running. We're here to make sure they have the tools to make it work for them: how to plan your training over the years, how to pay for college if you decide you don't want to run track or if a 6-8k cross country course doesn't do it for you, as well as becoming aware of just how many kinds of races are out there and finding their favorite.
Only by giving these young guys and ladies the tools it takes to make running work for them and exposing them early (but not too early when relevant) to the type of running they'll love most, can we set up this generation of runners to succeed on the new stage of running.

See you out there,
G. Anthony